Learn how to make the mushroom and cheese quiche with homemade crispy quiche crust, sautéed onions and mushrooms, Gruyere cheese and creamy quiche filling....
These lentil patties are healthy, easy to make and very delicious. If you are looking for notorious recipes with orange lentils this recipe is perfect...
These whole-wheat flatbreads crisp up in minutes in a skillet and are stuffed with an aromatic blend of spinach, peas and cauliflower for a lunch that...
Emeril's spicy shallot rings recipe, published in his book "From Emeril's Kitchens," is a tasty change of pace from traditional onion rings, a classic...
I love a good crispy fried burrito or is that a chimichanga? I don't know but I love them, that crispy flaky flour shell gets me every time. Except where...
Ripe avocado is pureed with Greek yogurt, scallions, and lime juice in this verdant sauce. It's just the thing to tie all the flavors together in a Burrito...
Bell peppers have a Southwestern flair when stuffed with rice, black beans, and vegetables such as corn, carrot, and leek. Diced poblano peppers spice...
This hearty Sopa de Chícharos recipe is the Cuban version of the classic split pea soup with the wonderful addition of potatoes, squash, cumin, and chipotle...
This dish uses half a recipe of Fresh Pasta. You may double the filling and freeze the extra ravioli, or roll out the extra dough and make fettuccine,...
Serve up veggie-packed pizzas without rolling dough or even turning on the oven: Toss some flatbread on the grill, add your favorite produce picks, and...
This vegetarian recipe for black-eyed peas is simply delicous. You can buy a bouquet garni or make one by tying dried herbs, such as oregano, savory, thyme,...
Woodsy porcini hold their own in this satisfying and fiber-filled white bean stew. Enriched by tomatoes, an excellent source of lycopene, and infused with...
These pulled beef bao buns are one of my favorite Asian dishes in all times! The steamed buns are so soft, light and pillowy. Filled with delicious and...
Cooking the curry powder for a minute before adding the sweet potatoes helps to deepen its flavor. For a spicier dish, use Madras curry powder instead...
You'll need a gorgeous ripe heirloom tomato for this summery open-faced sandwich. Cut a thick slice of it crosswise to reveal its trippy, tie-dye colors,...
This mushroom and chestnut soup is creamy, rich and so delicious! The combination of flavors is ideal for winter, and the result is an amazing and comforting...
Crisp on the outside, chewy in the middle, these rice cakes are simpler than they appear. Just mix brown rice with ground fennel seeds and egg whites,...
Condiments take a hot dog from good to great. Our ultimate campfire dogs are made with yellow cheddar cheese and bacon, which are grilled with the hot...
For a simple pizza, try this Neapolitan-style creation. You can also add your favorite toppings to this basic pie or leave off the mozzarella and basil...